22 Miles, Failed Wheelies and the Impossible Backwards Circle

>> Friday 20 February 2009

I had the absolute best day riding today :-D I managed to tot up about 22 miles which has blown me away. I hadn't exercised in years before I got this bike at Christmas time but in just 2 months I'm managing more every time I go out and getting further up hills that I used to look at and dismount. It's a great feeling when you achieve a goal, I can't wait until the summer, it's only a little tiny but warmer this week but there is such a huge difference and so much more fun riding without gloves and a massive coat on.

I went from my house to Morriston Hospital, got the all clear for my wrist after she prodded and poked the living daylights out of it, then rode back home, had a bath and some beans and toast then flew down to town, had a bottle of pop and some Space Raiders in Exist shop before taking the cycle path to Mumbles and back. After another short stint at Exist I headed off to Sainsbury's to get some vegan chocolate and Hula Hoops, on returning to the shop Ev and JT were there and we headed off to SA1 to try and learn at least ONE trick. I managed about 2/3 of a wheelie, JT still hasn't got them either, none of us can manage anything resembling a backwards circle but Ev has got his "I can trackstand until I'm bored, I'm gonna win my own trackstand competition" trash talk down to a tee. After a bit more pissing about town I headed home back up the never ending hill known as Llangefelach Rd.

I have made a killer Google Map to track where I go and easily calculate distances, check it out:

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Riding a fixie is awesome fun and coooooooool too. If you still need convincing just check out our bikes next to the ladies foldaway bikes that the Horror Skateboards boys picked up from ReCycle this week!

swansea fixed gear bikes
"So Cool"

horrow skateboards bikes
"So Gay"